Bugs was a British television drama series which ran for four series from April 1995 to August 1999. It was originally broadcast on Saturday evenings on BBC One, and was produced for the BBC by the independent production company Carnival Films.

Actors-Steven Houghton

Steven Houghton:

Steven Houghton (born February 16, 1971) is a British actor and singer.

Born in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, Houghton trained at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance in Leeds. His first West End production was Children of Eden. Additional London credits include Cats, Hot Mikado, Martin Guerre, Blood Brothers and Spend Spend Spend, for which he was nominated for the Laurence Olivier Award. He has toured the UK in Grease, Miss Saigon, and Annie Get Your Gun.

Houghton's television credits include regular roles in London's Burning, BUGS, Holby City, and Bernard's Watch, a guest role in Doctors, and an appearance on French National Television singing the title role in The Phantom of the Opera.

Houghton spent time in Ireland playing several roles in a film workshop for new and established directors, including Stephen Frears and Jude Kelly.

In 1997, Houghton released his eponymous debut album for BMG/RCA, which sold 200,000 copies and earned him a Gold Disc. The first single from the album, a cover version of the song "Wind Beneath My Wings", reached #3 on the UK Singles Chart,[1] while his rendition of Lionel Richie's 1982 song "Truly", reached #23 in 1998.[2] He is currently working on an album of his own material


"Doctors" .... Brett Gray (1 episode, 2003)
- All the Lonely People (2003) TV episode .... Brett Gray

"Holby City" .... Scott Bridges (1 episode, 2002)
- Sweet Love Remembered (2002) TV episode (as Steve Houghton) .... Scott

"Bugs" .... Ed Russell (10 episodes, 1998-1999)
- The Enemy Within (1999) TV episode (as Steven Houghton) .... Ed Russell
- Money Spiders (1999) TV episode (as Steven Houghton) .... Ed Russell
- Twin Geeks (1999) TV episode (as Steven Houghton) .... Ed Russell
- Jewel Control (1998) TV episode (as Steven Houghton) .... Ed Russell
- Pandora's Box (1998) TV episode (as Steven Houghton) .... Ed Russell
(5 more)

"The New Adventures of Robin Hood" .... Capt. Barker (1 episode, 1998)
- Assault on Castle Dundeen (1998) TV episode .... Capt. Barker

"London's Burning" (1988) TV series .... Gregg Blake (unknown episodes, 1997-1998)

Indian Summer (1996) .... Dancer
... aka "Alive and Kicking" - UK (alternative title), USA

Prisoner of Honor (1991) (TV) .... Male prostitute


Stars Sing The Beatles (2000) (TV) .... Performer/Himself

"Night Fever" .... Himself (1 episode, 1999)
- Millennium Eve Special (1999) TV episode .... Himself

"Melinda's Big Night In" .... Himself (1 episode, 1998)
- Episode #1.8 (1998) TV episode (as Steven Houghton) .... Himself

"Stars in Their Eyes" .... Himself / ... (1 episode, 1998)
- 1998 Celebrity Special (1998) TV episode .... Himself/Tony Hadley

By Sony

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